I know this has been done before but fancied a lighthearted non-virus thread. I've never seen any of the following films (or their sequels) Toy Story Shrek Frozen Avatar Harry Potter The Exorcist...
wow..thats a waste..can it not be stored, id store a few barrels.
Pierce isn’t afraid to put his mouth where his mouth is
'Something is stirring in the souls of millions presently under lockdown. The number of people searching for the word ‘prayer’ on Google ‘skyrocketed’ last month, doubling with every 80,000 new...
Boris okay again life saved by NHS . The wonderful people in NHS saving lives for ever .Lets not even have a debate or a backslide on this The NHS GETS LOOKED AFTER ON A PAR WITH MPS.We can’t afford...
Easter Sunday. Cloudy out there this morning, not cold though, it's 15.8C Not bad at all. I got the garden furniture and the barbie out and cleaned and set up ready for use. The hedgehogs were...
Life is too short for many things. But especially petty squabbling, especially here on Answerbank, which should be a friendly refuge for everybody, but especially the oddballs like me who come here...
No doubt there will be many more. They are the REAL heroes, and we should honour their sacrifice.
We shall remember them....
when we get over this awful time that the country should sit down as one to put in place a better caring society .Where honesty will be the hallmark .We need to get our compassion back .Again to have...
In the absence of a response to my texts and answerphone messages to an elderly friend who lives alone, I’ve had a bit of a worrying day wondering if she’d had an accident. In fact, I almost called...
I'm all for free speech but we need to draw the line somewhere and this moron is potentially able to have a dangerous effect on the hard of thinking....