Good morning everyone - another cool and pleasant day here in South Oz !! and long may it continue, well at least till the end of Summer. The worst of the fires are still keeping the firies on their...
Whenever all our family get together we love to play cards together. , newmarket, chase the ace,cheat, sevens and very often Phase 10, which is a particular favourite. Does anyone else on here still...
Did the Allies ever mine the waterways leading to U-boat bases and if not why not. Surely that would have helped in limiting the number of U-boats able to operate at sea
I'm stuck on the last two of this, but I think one may be a misprint. The answers are all musicals, My first is a 3-word anagram of I toss dry sheet. If it was sweet rather than sheet it's a perfect...
7 - Stardust; 4-6 - Down to earth; 0-3 - Space cadet
I'm a space cadet. Only 3 for me. :-(
That can easily be topped, no doubt.
I’d have possibly put this in Religion but it’s headline News
He hasn’t done this since 2012 ?
So what exactly does he do?
"Sport is good for everybody" says B-class celebrity. This is just 1 example, there are lots of others (e.g. Paltrow on diet, lifestyle, & Perfume...
When it’s laid out like this, it seems pretty shocking.
What do you think the reasons are?
Looks like Momentum are flexing their muscles. If this Corbyn clone were to win, is it safe to...
I'm not into football, and never have been, but I do love to watch the manages of these teams be interviewed after they have just lost a match, or their hopes before the game. They must be the most...