Good morning everyone- it's a lovely sunny one here, going to be warm over the weekend, but not too much, just pleasant .....this I can handle 😎 Today's links, thanks to... ...
I thought I had reached the point where I could no longer be surprised at the incompetence of the new British Government, & then I have just read this in my newly arrived copy of the... ...
BBC News - Decoding Donald Trump's new official portrait What do we think. Democracy in safe hands? Stable genius? Bear in mind this is the official... ...
Good morning everyone - lovely sunny day here, heading for about 30d, light breeze, I can just about handle that 😎☀️ Todays links - CUP DIP POP ROPE As always, everyone is very welcome to join in - just... ...
Inflation down in December, thought I would report this good news on AB, normally it only gets a look in if it goes up. Hope you can all cope with this good news? From top of the pops to rock bottom in 6 months. That must be some sort of record. ...
Good morning everyone - it's warm here, around 30, which isn't too bad and very little wind, which is a real blessing. We're still desperately short of rain so the hills are something of a... ... As much as I'd like to get shot of Tool and the gang I'd rather have him than be invaded and absorbed into the... ...