>> >A RIDDLE THAT'LL KILL YOUR BRAIN! This is going to make you so MAD! >> > >> >There are three words in the English language that end in 'gry'. ONE >> >is angry and the other is hungry. EveryONE...
anyone agree that these four chaps from the big smoke are the most exciting and innovative band around and are set to take the world by storm. I think it would be an injustice if they dont make it...
Over the years I have seen various footballers with the same surnames. In the programmes they sometimes tell you that the two Flitcrofts and Ricketts are brothers, but there are many more where I...
... Goodbye! I am going on the Weakest Link shortly, and would love to have a great one-liner up my sleeve for when I get picked on by the great Anne Robinson. Does any of my fellow AB's have any good...
I love the films Betty Blue, Ameile and Delicatessen (think that is the correct spelling). Can anyone recommend some films in a similar style that I should try?
What would be the best way to invent a brand new word and have it so widely accepted that it makes it into the dictionary within say, a year or two? Any ideas? Incidentally, I heard that the word...
whatever happened to the great answerbank user Ned Flanders? He had a good contribution to this site and was a bit of a character! anyone know where he has gone?
Does anyone else find him a shallow, irritaing, sycophantic moron on his current talk show? I don't get it, he was so funny and full of promise on The Last Resort in the eighties. Why is he SO...