oxford and cambridge both have one but with different apostrophies they take their titles from the foes they make captive the grandfather of La Infanta Sophia his wife was turned away from his...
Could anybody figure out who this actress is from these three clues? Gail Porter is in some way linked to her. Think of a letter in the alphabet. Think Computers.
ODD ONE OUT PUZZLE Really needs to be in colour as in the mag but here goes - Colours of the rainbow written in a list down the page. The words are coloured but not the same as the " colour word " ie...
Stuck on these last two questions. No. 38. Firstly, the obediant nobelman goes away (5) and No. 45. Find this one by searching through a name (5). Could it be an anagram of aname?? Thanks for any...
Can anyone help with question 55 - Dried swine leaves its mark on the sand (10). Begins with S. I came up with Sidewinder (anagram of Dried Swine) but is this a creature? I thought it was an air to...
21d- refuse to see about comedian ?e?a?e 13a- guided away from erudite composer ?r?e 18a- band inserting article in paper r??? 25a- as far as pointing to the football park u?t?? 16d- old scottish...
Fellow Lincolnshire ABERS. I am in the Lincolnshire Wolds. Still raining today. Re: Articles of clothing Big Jenny I had originally thought suspenders for mens hang ups but it was too many letters,...
Help appreciated with these please 9a It's used to lift - or bring down (6) ????L? 17a Gloomy record playing far on into the night (12) ??????S?L??? 2d A way to serve potatoes, just stuffed with game...
Am stuck on these last few: 15d. Royalist judge, one securing death sentences?(8) I have ?A?O?I?? 21ac. Odds on Stephenson's invention of this wheel?(8) I have S?R???E? 24ac. What to do when a retreat...
Stuck on three television comedy shows past / present Any clues gratefully received ... No letters given 36. Embarassed horizontally challenged person. 60. They always win in the end. 73. Runs in...
As closing time approaches I've run out of steam and would appreciate any help with the following clues: 22, 25, 38, 47, 60 (is this an anag?), 62, 74, 80, 97, 98 Some I have ideas on but others have...
Can anyone please unbaffle me with a couple or so answers to helpme on my way. It would help to know: 10AC Love in the air? Stick around for some sex! (8) ----l---11ac Jo's bottle 98) -E-Y-O--; and...