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We have a concrete back garden - I would like to grow grass - if I put down a lot of soil (say 2 inches deep), will grass seeds grow in this? Everyone thinks I am mad when I ask this question, but...
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hi, i need some help once again! my sister is 20 years old and her hair has rapidly started to fall out. She used to have lovely thick hair, and in the last couple of months i should think it has...
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I was just wondering if all the people that felt Tony Blair did not do enough to save Ken bigley ( I believe he did all he could ), Are now going to be saying the same about Margaret Hassan if the...
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i have been told that i have an under active tyroid but i have excess hair.. why?
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I've been asked by a female what side of the bed do i sleep on? When suggested it was a weird question she said that it wasn't daft as there was a reason. Am i missing the point, if so what's the...
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ok, i would like to grow some carrots(think thats how you spell it) and i don't have any soil in my garden. just gravel! it'sot our house either so we can't really change anything. can anyone advise...
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does anyone know whether drinking cranberry juice actually helps to prevent cysitis or does it just help get rid of it once you've got it? I seem to be prone to it and want to find ways of preventing...
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I need a cure for odema (water retention in my legs) please.
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I dont get on with my neighbours on one side my neigbour Mr b has erected a fence with a climing plant which has now grown over and is causing a nusiance do I have any say as to how he should tend to...
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Is there any limit to how long you can take St John's Wort safely?
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Not sure where to best post this , Just having a discussion at work, There is lots of different religions and each have their believes what will happen to you when you die, Now im pretty sure when you...
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Dear Sir/Madam I have been puzzled by some advertising which came to my mail box here in New Zealand, about Equiba Weight Loss pills.  Which have some sort of quick fix solution...
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I'm constantly being surprised to find people on AB that I assumed where men are actually women and vice versa!Does anyone else mistakenly assume the wrong gender of members?
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How do tiny warts on the inner corner of my eye appear and how do i prevent, and get rid of, it?
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I want to know what has happened to the great singers and bands of the 60's, 70's, and 80's. I use to really enjoy the diversity of Pop Chart music. I remember the anticipation of wanting to know who...
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HiJust wondering if anyone has ever had a loan through Best4Loans, I am waiting for a response for them and I'm just starting to get a bit worried about it! I sent off the ?39.99 and they keep telling...
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Following on from the Conscription thread, Ewood mentioned that he/she is in favour of corporal punishment & the birch. I am too, very much so, but wondered what your views are on these procedures...
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It is nearly nine months since I lost my dear Dad having watching him suffer for three months with lung cancer.  I miss him so much, when will I start to feel better and not wake up each day so...
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Am I allowed to errect a fence next to my neighbours fence which is next to thier french windows? They say it will block thier light is there a right to light?
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I have been advised that even though myself and my partner combined earn too much for income tax credits, but that my wages are low enough (12,000pa before tax)to be able to get help with prescription...

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