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Went to pick up Little Tiggs from my parents Friday evening after having my hair cut and stayed for dinner. My dad had baked some salmon in foil so had that. Anyway, later on in the night after...
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some sort of funny dress with black tapes? she looks awful! cath x...
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all your answers will fit so have 5 d wrong. Paraded... showed off ?????t?D
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another cake 20d 6 E?C??? many thanks
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20d cake...6... e-c--- and 26a made a loud noise like a duck 8...s-u-n---
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15 a...unrattled, at ease...13....u-e-s-r-a-s-d...tia...
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as found at the cinema ?I?E?T?E?N
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Does anyone know what Asda's return policy is ? I bought a very cheap heater from them about two and a half weeks ago, and now it won't work on the one bar setting - it was fine up to yesterday so I'd...
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I thought this was going to be one of those intimate biological anatomy thingy's, but boy was I wrong. Great stuff. Stephen Mackintosh is a tremendously good actor. Plays the gentle worm that turns to...
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Hopefully..Friday finds you "musically inclined"! Go on,have a pick! :-)...
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at least he had the balls to stand up and be counted. FA hang your head in shame.......again!!!!
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god darn insomnia! what a time to wake up. hope it's a good one for all of you. am a little bit jealous of those of you who have snow....i like it because i skip along like a 3 year old and it's the...
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... spare a thought for Moyra - AryomGrob - whose funeral will take place at 11.00 a.m. today. If you care to click on the link you will read what a lovely person Moyra was. I remember her with great...
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Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that Gary Barlow has in recent times become all 'saintly' I think he's chasing an OBE MBE or Knighthood. I think he wants to fill Sir Paul McCartneys...
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happened at the weekend .hunt lost control of their dogs and pack jumped a private fence and poor little cat paid the price . such a great sport !!
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My husband has friends who take drugs. I knew he was friends with them, they are in their twenties, my husband is 51. He owns a clothes shop and nightclub and these two girls work for him. I know one...
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na nana na bah dooby doo Sorry feeling fragile this afternoon. so thought a little Kermit might help :)...
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You wake to find the house on fire......for a moment we will ignore the fact that it is -3 on a warm night!! what would you rescue?And why? Only one armful of goodies allowed.......

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