Have been viewing this programme for the past few weeks. Anytime they show footage from the in cell cameras the toilet is blacked out. Why?
Are toilets offensive now?...
Never heard before that a frozen shoulder could be linked to diabetes... Been the doctors this morning with a frozen shoulder, Ive had it since before Christmas and hoped it would right itself, it...
to those ABers who've enquired after me. Didn't realise anyone had until Minnty dropped me a line. I havnt been too well and then my lappy died on me so had no internet access (still havnt, am having...
Can taking more than the daily recommended amount of cod liver oil turn a mans semen yellow?
A friend of mine recconds it did. Dont know whether to believe him?...
Should certain admittees to A&E be billed for their treatment? Me and my mates were recently having a discussion about the pros and cons. The pros were that charges for self inflicted admissions would...
Like the old saying, opinions are like bum holes, we've all got one, but how flexible do you think you are in your opinions? I imagine that we ALL think that we are flexible in our take on things but...
Ive been on mirtazipine for 3 years. I was put on them after been sectioned in a psychiatric hospital. To say that they have made a difference to my quality of life would be an understatment. However,...
Is decriminalising drugs a way forward? Was viewing a tv debate about it this morning and inevitably opinion was divided. Personally I dont understand how criminalising someone for smoking cannabis is...
Do muslims share the christian belief that the earth is only 6000 yrs old and that dinosauars walked alongside man? Do they accept evolution? Or is there a difference of opinion in the islamic faith?...
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_reality_television_programs What would you like to see? (if it hasnt already been done to death already) What about a show about the lives of internet debaters...
Can a prisoner refuse a tv in his cell? I was last in prison in 2002 (when tvs were becoming popular in jails) I was just wondering if a prisoner can actually refuse an in cell tv as prisoners are...
How different would the UK be if we didnt have (or stop funding) our royal family? Ive NEVER understood how giving millions of pounds a year to an already wealthy family is 'good' for Britain. Ive...
What gives your life more 'juice'? Been reading some philosophical type stuff recently and just doing a straw survey here. What gives your life its energy? Is it pursuing a hedonistic type of...
which religious statment am I banned for 1) christians believe that a corpse rose from the dead? 2) muslims kill unbelievers 3) Buddhists believe in reincarnation 4) Jews obey the 10 commandments....
Do you know what? Im so sick of hearing about Islam and its sick ideology and its proponents on here. Im sick of its own sick ideas and those that defend it. If you want to live under its sick and...
or have I just become cynical about relationships? My last partner left me 4 years ago when I was going through a bad time with mental health issues. It devastated me at the time. Since then, ive got...
wrong catagory I know.... Im currently having to have all my ceilings replastered by the council. My flat looks like a bomb site and I want to get straight again as soon as possible. How long after...
is there ANYTHING that would make you think that you may be wrong?
And in the interest of equality, sceptics, is there anything that might make you think you may be wrong?...