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Was going to post on Lonnies thread below but didnt want to hijack his thread. When discussing jesus with christians they always use the 'trilemma' argument...that Jesus must have been either Lord,...
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My sons mum kicked him out a few weeks ago and since then hes basically been sofa surfing. He comes mine for a bath, change of clothes and something to eat and sometimes a bed for the night. He has no...
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My son got arrested xmas eve and has got to go magistrates on 10 Jan. He will at least get court costs and maybe a fine. He is technichaly NFA (No fixed abode) but the custody sergant insisted that he...
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Anyone here suffer from sleep paralysis? Talking to my son last night about it as he gets it. Unusually though, he gets it as he's falling asleep, I thought it was something that affects you as you...
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How long is your ring finger?
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Do you use self service checkouts? Our local Poundland has got rid of half its checkouts and replaced them with self service. Interestingly, while there are always empty self service stands there is...
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If uk courtrooms are supposed to be open...justice seen to be done...why is filming in them prohibited, even if its your own case been heard? Thanks...
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Does anyone know a way to help avacados to ripen up a bit quicker?
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What would happen if you refused to consent to a strip search while in police custody? Surely they couldn't physically remove your clothes against your will could they?
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Can anyone tell me, does the London underground run on xmas day and if so is it a reduced service? Got a friend whos going to be there at xmas and will need to travel. Thanks....
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whats the difference between a social and an everyday laptop? Just been pricing up lappys here Im not very...
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Ive developed a pain to the right of, and slightly lower than, my belly button. Had it for a couple of days. Thought it could be my appendix but got no other symptons (fever, nausea etc). Its tender...
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For the past few weeks ive been experiencing a lot of stress and anxiety with the result that Ive been drinking every night to cope. Ive been in this position before so recognise the symptoms and...
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can goodlife, or anyone else, explain exactly the JW policy on blood transfusion? I believe (but may be wrong) that they will accept constituent parts of blood, if so which parts and why? Do JWs...
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In my town centre, there are a couple of street preachers who regularly take to their soap box to tell us unrepentant sinners how awful our lives are without the love of a jewish zombie in our lives....
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What do you do if your next door neighbour plays loud music until 3am? A female friend of mine is despairing of her neighbour. She has asked him to turn it down but he just says if she doesn't like...
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Attended a friends funeral yesterday, minus his corpse. He had left his body to medical research. My question is, what happens to his remains after they have finished with him? Someone told me that...
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just been told by my doctor that ive got high cholesterol (5.5) He's recommended statins, told him id think about it. 1)Anyone here lowered their cholesterol without statins? 2)Is 5.5 really high?...
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Anyone here been on The Smiler at Alton Towers since the accident last year? Went on it 4 times yesterday, best ride ive ever been on. Highly recommended for adrenaline junkies.

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