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Does anyone know what you call people from Godalming, Woking and Putney? I read somewhere that the first ones were something like Godalmeins or something, but Woking?? I dont know what I am! and also...
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My daughter started working on the checkouts of a local Supermarket on Monday. I went to pick her up from work tonight and she has been fined for selling alcohol to an underaged boy who was sent in to...
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are they 'big brand' foods in disguise?
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Why is Spanish sometimes known as Castillian?
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Hi there are 6 adults going to cyprus in sep for 1 week we need a 7 seater car to hire, we cant afford to pay much more the 250 a week anyone know of any cheap rentals we can try. thanks.
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Going to our favourite haunt as usual this year but will have others with us this year.Need lots to do, bearing in mind I think we have done most of it over the years,and thought about some country...
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Really enjoying this but still stuck on a couple not already seen on here. For those not already doing this quiz answers are all towns/villages in Britain. 11. zzzzzzzz (I've got Sleap or Nappa?) 29...
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Why is it when petrol has been sold in litres for years now we still refer to how many miles a car can do to the gallon? And why when the weather forecast is on and they give the temperature in...
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I have half a bottle of red and half a bottle of white wine left over. Does anyone have any simple recipes that i could use them in? The white was cheap and not so nice to drink and the red has been...
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Do you prenounce ciabatta 'siabatta' or 'chiabatta'.
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anyone recognise this, oh ye canna shove yer granny aff the bus.
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how did everyone find this site?
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i know i cant take the dinar into or out of tunisia so whats the best form of currency to take i-e euros, dollars or sterling in cash or travellers cheques Thanks
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Going to Los Angeles in September. Can anyone advise me how people in Los Angeles travel about the city if they don't have a car. Is there an ciy bus service ?. RAS
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Not sure what topic this should be under but I am sure some one will know the answer. Can any one remeber when August Bank Holiday changed from the start of the month to the end. My mother in law is...
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Is it not an unarguable fact that nothing any good ever came out of France? And now they are going to send us thunderstorms!
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did hercules actually exist
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this is completely hyperthetical but was just wondering have any of britains cities/towns still got functional air raid shelters and have we got any air raid alarms just in case we were every attacked...
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My friend has applied for her EHIC 13 days ago online. I am worried for 2 reasons: 1)If the delivery estimate is 21 days then she may not get it, and we may have to change her insurance. 2)If the...
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Why do they call male chickens or roosters *****

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