is there government mad, or just so liberal they dont care...
It looks as if reality has finally dawned on them " In Germany, fears are growing that the ship of Europe is sailing troubled waters. Soon it could be dashed on the rocks. Why the anxiety? The looming...
As some of you may know I make Atlas Stones, these are the big concrete balls used for worlds strongest man etc. These Atlas Stone range in weight and size from 15 Kgs up to 210 Kgs. I often have...
Police Press Conference due son.How do you feel about this.
How can the parents not afford shoes for their children?
I hate to break it to you 'Mr' McConnell, but men cannot give birth. They just can't. And no amount of legislation or reassignment surgery will EVER change that basic fact. What has, in fact happened,...
this is seriously getting on my nerves, this whole brexit thwarting tactics....errr i just want to see an end to it, leave long can this go on, court cases to stop it were all going to...
Background: I am Retired and over 80. My search for enlightenment started because my ex employer went bust a couple of years ago ( I retired quite some years before that happened).Fortunately the...
By what right do schools fine parents for taking children out of school during term time? Perhaps 'fine' is technically the wrong word. I thought only courts could fine people when an offence,... So will the EUSSR, Barmpot, me old china! Gawd ,the arrogance of these J arthurs, no wonder we are leaving. Why is it always portrayed as a one side...
I'm wondering how this will work,will everyone over 75 have to have their incomes scrutinised? I apologise for not adding a link but saw this on the ribbon of news that runs along the bottom of news...