If there was to be a film of you life, who would you want to play you? But who would actually end up playing you? (I know this has been done before but there's lots of lovely newbies!)
If you could create your own band (dead or alive) who would you pick? How about this- Keith Moon (drums), Eddie Vedder (vocals), Hendrix (guitar) and Flea (bass) How good would that sound!!!!!
Hello everyone. I just wanted to let you know that I had my tongue pierced on Friday evening. It hardly hurt at all. I am back at work today and I have no problems eating or...
hey i dont know howe to spell it and im not sure it is the right thin but my cousin who is 12 suffers horribly from it. If it is the tright thing im talking about her has a crusty build up all over...
as its nearly 10 years since he dissappeared has anyone got any interresting theories as to where he might be? or is he just dead.what an amazing thing it would be if he turned up alive and well next...
Music being a passion of mine, I was just wondering what instruments AB people play (or whether there are any decent singers out there) and if we could make up a decent band. Perhaps we...
what alternatives are there to bacon? i mean something that tastes just as good (not the qourn meat slices). i see all these fantastic receipes using parma ham etc, but my partner can't eat pork :s...
Ok -this is a bit of a dumb question, but how good are mp3 players - are they worth getting or are they going to be outdated pretty soon? Where do you get the mp3s from, how do the...
Having been sat on the toilet the last 5 days with food poisoning, I'm thinking of placing the accompanying cramps in my top 3 most painful things I've experienced in life so far. This is the current...
I use Frizz Ease serum on my hair almost every day (after washing). Can hair be damaged by using it that often, due to all the chemicals it has in it? Thanks!
I was just wondering, when i'm on my period i generally dont bleed during the night or when i'm asleep. It tends to stop at about 9 or 10 in the evening and then start when i wake up, does anyone else...
Are nut allergies a relatively new phenomenon? I don't recall nuts being an issue at all until quite recently. I am talking about things like food labels, restaurant menus - even a permission slip...
Does anyone remember the TV show with Stewart Lee and Richard Herring, "This Morning With Richard Not Judy" it was on sunday mornings in 1998? I loved it at the time and I'm desperate to...
does anyone else have friends that cancel on the last minute for everything? it was my friends 21st birthday last week and her other half was working away so i said did she want to go out. we firstly...