Are you and your place of work going to have 2 minues silence on the 11th? Is this mark of respect dying out? Do you think we'll always have a moment of remeberance for those that gave their lives...
Argh, i cannot believe i am asking this, but there you go. I am a fifteen year old girl, and we have rules. One of these rules is that dating someone younger than yourself is to be avoided, inless you...
How do old ladies (and gentlemen) open supermarket jamjars? 'Er indoors' and me have a dickens of a job opening the things, and that's even using the rubber strapwrenches. Has anyone ever measured the...
IN Coronation street, you know the lady that owns the hairdressers, well what was the name of the children's programme she used to be in, because I remember her being a witch before she went into...
Alreet AB'ers? Given that current society is celebrity obssessed I thought I'd carry on this theme by asking other users on here which famous people do other people say you look like or resemble. So...
Why do so many AB'ers want their belly button pierced? Am i missing out on something, wasn't that like a craze about 4-5 years ago? It's painful, it leaves a scar, it only looks good in the summer and...
I was just reading the thread on chat up lines and was thinking about how my husband first told me that he 'loved' me. It was hilarious. I wonder if anybody else has any stories to tell....
What is the best chat up line you've ever heard? Did it work? The only one that made me giggle was 'did you hear about the polar bear?' 'no, why?' 'oh, nothing, I just thought it'd break the ice.'
Who is your sexiest cartoon character? Personally, I think the Caramel Bunny is a hot bit of stuff, though it would be even better if she wore a garter!
I have slight crushes on Simon Cowell and Richard Maidley ( foreign bankers will know who Simon is and you dont want to know who Richard is). I know its wrong to feel like this. What...
How long before your period do you suffer with pms? some people suffer a few days some a few weeks ,I tend to suffer a week but recently i feel weepy moody and anxouis for at least two weeks before my...
Now that the DVD's of the first three series are being released I just wondered what were your favourite Seinfeld episodes/moments/characters? (Not just for the first three series though).
Am I alone in not really liking Christmas? I don't like the period leading up to it by the time it arrives I am bored to death with it. I feel elated when 1st January...
My wife and I just moved to Belfast from the USA and we have noticed a big difference in dress codes for school children. In the US, many public high schools have a few rules related to the...