I have a friend who has been having a pain in the crown of his head for several days now, it only seems to come on after he has been up for a few hours, there is no tiredness or sickness dizziness and...
Is anyone else as terrified of them as me? i have a check up next week and im nervous already :((( xxxxxxxx What other relatively normal thing terrifies you? xxxxxx
Where are you and what are you doing (other than being online ) im curled up on couch eating a big bar of galaxy listening to music :)))) xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Have you got a jumper or other item of clothing that makes you feel snug but you wouldn't necessarily be seen in public with? :))) x x x x x x x x xx x x x x x
How often do you read books? if so what do you read? and maybe if more kids were brought up with more of a book culture we wouldn't see the problems outlined in the below posts? or is that to naive? i...
My boyfriends parents are coming over for dinner tomorrow and im struggling with what to cook, anyone any ideas? i know this is the wrong section so dont shout at me :)))) x x x x x xx x x x x x x x x...
I am very worried about a friend who i am very close to, they seem great on the surface and in public but deep down i know something is wrong so much so that i worry this person may do something...
I make no apologies for being chronically bored tonight and this place seems deserted, is there anyone out there? to communicate with? ask me a question? tell a joke? :))) x x x x x x x x x x x