If someone posts a genuine question whereby they are genuinely in need of advice about something that is upsetting to them for what ever reason they either get attacked or the post ends up with about...
Someone who has known me for ever said to me the other night that i have never lost my temper in all the time they have known me which i hadn't thought about before :)) xx do you lose your temper...
just wondering if this section is purely a chat section now? only asked as was going to post some b&s related questions but would probably get attacked :) x
i got my first one on friday which is spooky because i notice boo got one today! :) have any of you lot got one? if so where and what is it? :)))) x x x
do any of you know what any other ab members look like? I'm sure there are a few of you who secretly fancy certain members even if it is only a pic :op x x x x