Could some one please explain the benefits to both Orange and Odeon in there O Wednesday promotion? You txt Film to 241 and you get a free odeon cinema ticket...... They have terminals at the...
And by that, I mean all those little rules and regs that we maybe should know, but don't. How much coinage does a shop have to accept legally? What IS the law re-waiting time on double yellows?...
what is the cheapest way to buy 4 airline tickets from Japan to Amsterdam over the internet. Airline tickets bought in Japan are so much more expensive. Hoping that if i buy them over the Internet...
My son keeps getting headaches and being very,very thirsty. He has had a test for diabetes which was negative. The GP has no ideas other than anxiety - my son is 15 and doing his GCSEs...
I really want to join the police and go on further to become a dog hanndler. but im 16 and u have to be 18 to join so i have decided to go to college and take a corse in public services. but i herd...
My boss is such a bully and is always putting people down. Almost every week someone goes home crying. I am going to write a letter to the head of the company but can I take it any...
When an Appeal Court judge overturns a conviction and criticizes the original judge for some failure on his part, what accountability or disciplinary procedures is the original judge subject too?
Has anyone had this thing happen to them where you just drift off to sleep but jump up suddenly beacuse you think you are falling? I wouldn't call it a dream as such, because it's too quick and i...
People always presume that 'all men look at other women' and 'all men have porn' etc. How true is this really? My boyfriend says he never looks at other women and never has done when he's been in a...
I once misheard an advert that said you should have 7 glasses of water a day and instead had 7 litres of water a day, which I did for about a week. Other than having to run to the toilet...