Trust the BBC not to lose a chance like this so as to get their leftie rhetoric over. And you are...
Imho. They have got the right idea:
The EU needs to harden its borders. The current status is a joke....
Did it deserve the vast amounts of taxpayers money that was constantly thrown at it?...
I do not personally rejoice, because all governments need a buoyant opposition, is this assessment accurate though? /// Hopkins' piece was reported to police by Peter...
Cameron is doing a very poor job with the migrant problem, it get's worse every day,Could this be the start of the end for him as PM. Is there a winter of discontent looming???, change of leader,... They've splashed out on a couple of containers (assuming a charity hasn't paid for them) and rake in the profits. (1500 euro... I must pay a visit to specsavers, when I first read this I thought it said 'CAMERON'. But joking apart perhaps...
Well here's probably why - and YOUR paying for it. You couldn't make it up, no wonder they are queuing to come to soft touch Britain. This is an absolute disgrace all these immigrants should be locked...
// The 66-year-old has attracted a growing fanbase of enthusiastic young people who have been turning his campaign events into what one attendee described as something “more like sell-out gigs than...
Now don't let's let the facts get in front of a good bit of prejudice. Robin Lustig is hardly a...