I was about to post an email several days ago...I must have hit something by mistake. The page went blank except for..."🔙 new email" in the upper left corner, "send" in the upper right, and a... ...
What happens when the Council didn't collect the recycling for a neighbour I know who is elderly and has no way of taking it to the nearest recycling centre? She rang to complain, and they just... ...
https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/2012552/Migration-Labour-deportation-migrants-criminals It seems that 75% of a plane full are security staff and the ones that are going are getting paid £3k... ...
Enjoy your Knighthood Sir Sadiq, and just ignore the Rage of the Tories. You have worked more for your Gong than David Cameron's Barber, or even Boris Johnsons Brother.What a pity Boris couldn't... ...
My husband uses Sony headphones (model MDR-RF895RK) to listen to the telly. He has three pairs using rechargeable batteries and two chargers. He watches a lot of tv so these are frequently... ...
In 'my docs' I have all my files both photos and docs and most of them open in either 'word' 'photos' or whatever the icon denotes (I use MS photo for all photos) but my problem is this: I have a... ...
Well, my answer is no. I won't because part of me is glad she's going! Plus, I don't have strong connections in the workplace so no way would I cry. The workplace is purely somewhere to get... ...
Spent most of yesterday in A&E and was given some tablets that say not to take indigestion remedies within 2 hours or 2 hours before. Is it ok to take my lanzoporale or do I have to allow 2 hours... ...
More mature ABers may remember pre decimal coins they'd sometimes get in their change. Sometimes a Victorian penny and all the later Georges on silver coins from sixpences to chunky half... ...
https://www.standard.co.uk/news/crime/leeds-allah-chant-disorder-racism-judge-jailed-phil-hoban-b1176722.html Shouting racist taunts despite looking as though he has a touch of the tar brush about... ...