Does anyone know the origin of the term " he/she has a monk on" In practice it is usually someone giving the silent treatment i.e not speaking, so perhaps this term results from the monk's vows of...
When does a chapel become a church. In our village we had a Methodist chapel, but on relocating due to downsizing, the new facility is now referred to as a 'church'
Why when I now click on a link in Google, does the sysyem automatically go to a Go-Google site which opens web sites of all sorts of companies etc. How do I stop Google doing this??
I keep being sent e-mails with a 'wmv' attachment and can not open. Is wmv and alternative to jpg, and what do I need to do to be able to open a wmv file??
Having 'done nothing' to my settings, a new word document defaults to 2 columns on opening. My manual says go into View_ then Page layout or Print Preview to change setting. My 'View" has neither of...
Anyone know why in the last 2 days when clicking on an e-mail jpg attachment, all that happens is that I get the microsoft photo editor-jpg icon on the bottom task bar and I can not open the...
If you hit say a pheasant and kill it on the road, are you allowed to stop and pick it up and take away. I once heard that you can not, but a vehicle behind you can pick it up?
How does one remove a BMW bonnet badge. I need to replace a vandalised one on my car but there are no fixings inside the bonnet to "undo" to remove the old one. Perhaps they clip...
Anyone know the origins of the process of awarding medals in recognition of a particular acheivement, or loyalty. How far back does this 'ceremony' go?