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I have recently bought a Samsung smart TV but have noticed my 10GB broadband allowance is used up more quickly although I don`t download programmes and can`t use the I player etc. So basically am I...
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Just recently bought a Samsung smart TV but unable to get BBC Iplayer. the message comes up not available yet. Seems strange as an IPad etc no problem. Would appreciate any suggestions as why this...
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What happens if a person dies without making a will and the only relatives are two cousins. Both would inherit equal shares but if one should die before probate had been sorted out would the surviving...
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This is the problem two people watching the same T.V. programme. One a bit deaf so needs the sound louder but if using ear phones it cuts the sound for the other person. Any suggestions appreciated on...
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Just heard back from the DVLA today regarding my request for info on an old car reg found on a family photograph. No luck I`m afraid as because of the Data protection act they are unable to give me...
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Where do you stand legally if the surname on your birth certificate is different from your maiden name on your marriage certificate .my mother remarriad but my name was never changed legally or though...
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Have just come across an old photograph of the family taken in a 1928 Morris oxford flat nosed 2 door coupe`. Any idea how I might trace who owned it then. Thanks...
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Last of the 12 th course of chem finished last week,how long does it take to get back to normal.i.e. fingers and toes not numb,taste comes back with food and no more tiredness. Thanks
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If you are prescribed painkillers that can be taken 1-2 tablets every 4 hours is it better to take 2 tablets every 4 hours or 1 tablet every 2 hours which would give you most pain relief.? Many...
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Since last week I have had charity tickets through the post to sell from breast cancer, National Trust and the Red Cross now I know this time of year ever charity wants as much money as possible but...
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What is the normal amount of platelets in the blood.My husband couldn`t have chemo as his were below 100 so just wondered what they should be .Many Thanks for answers
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The Doc has given me Phorpain gel (Ibuprofen) to rub 2-5cm on an arthritic knee.not to use more than 4 times in 24 hours.Can I assume it can be put on both knees without exceeding the dose. Just...
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Does anyone know when 2012 coins will be issued. I don`t want any commemorating the olympics just any coins with 2012 on as I want them to give as small gifts for a wedding in 2012. Many Thanks
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Anybody know if they make a toy van with Waitrose on the side. It is for someone who works at Waitrose for a fun gift. Thanks
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Has anyone any experience with heated gloves.My husband is on a course of Chemo and the side effects mean his hands are quite painful when he touches anything cold. I don`t want anything fancy just...
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Is it possible that taking Dexamethasone would give you hiccups ?
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Could you tell me if it is o.k. to take Ibuprofen as a painkiller when taking Trimethoprim for a prostate infection.
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what age should a child stop having a dummy?
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Hi Does anyone know if it is possible to buy a memory card scanner that would transfer 2.25 square slides to an s.d card I have loads of old slides but only seem to find scanners for 35m and not the...
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what causes that horrid white stuff when you fry bacon. Is it some sort of preservative.Can you buy bacon that doesnt have it? Thanks

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