The news that a 30 year old woman lady with heart, lung and spinal conditions wants doctors to induce a coma-like state has reopened the issue of a patient's 'right to die'. Doctors looking after the...
Just wondering if anyone can help me here. I've started doing the internet dating thing and met someone last week. We got on really well and all the signs were great, he even asked to see me again at...
know that their other half isnt getting them anything for valentines day? Just spoke to my bloke and found out he aint getting me anything, not even a card! so im a bit peed off, the thought would...
Ever tried it? Was it better than you remembered or was it worse? Was it a pleasant experience to rekindle those nights of passion? Or on the contrary did it just make things more awkward for you? Did...
All this talk about chocolate and other goodies has got me wondering....what goodies do you currently have a stash of in your house? Doesn't have to be food, anything that gives you that quick fix...
is there more to a relationship than just sex? does a bad relationship continue longer because of good sex? or does good sex improve an already good relationship?
What 5 things or people would you put in in room 101? My 5 would be.. 1. Cilla Black 2. GMTV 3. Country and Western Music 4. Bullies 5. Those annoying loan/claim adverts on TV.
Had a man come in today to check out what plants would help atmosphere now we have air conditioning and he said about all the pros and cons of having air conditioning and said it makes you fat, anyone...
Let's create our very own AB 'Meaning of Life'. This will be an amalgamation of everyone's top tip for getting the best out of life. To achieve this, we all need to offer one sound piece of advice on...
You met a girl online, saw a couple of pictures (which you liked), got on really well, and chatted for ages, then after a couple weeks agreed to meet up for a date. You meet her for said date, but...
Ever wondered why that person who you find hugely unattractive at the beginning of a night out seems to have become strangely beautiful after a few stiff drinks? Well a professor of clinical optometry...