I'm with my boyfriend who I love dearly and who loves me, but he has said that he doesn't like to tell me he loves me too much ie. everyday as he feels it doesn't mean as much if you say it everyday,...
I have often wondered what it would be like married or even dating a doctor, usually GP's only ever marry their own 'kind' - but do wives/girlfriends ever get paranoid about what their partner GP is...
Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So you happy, happy people what do u have planned for the weekend?!? any adventures? any dates? any partaaaays!?!! (i'm really bored..been playing checkers all...
I had a wierd dream that I had lost a pair of shoes on a crowded beach. I've been feeling really low, confused and have the blues big time for the last couple of weeks... does this mean I feel as...
The recent 'size zero' phenomenon has struck fear into many people. Mothers are worried their daughters will end up anorexic in the quest to be thin, women worry that being emaciated is now beautiful....
Anyone agree - lets all have a big love in today and turn to the person next to you - yes even if you have a laptop and you are some high flying business man on a plane or something just tell that...
if u and a few work pals all put a pound in every week for the lottery then 1 week 1 of them didnt pay their pound and u won the jackpot,would u share it with them?
please i need some advice,when i was 15 i fell pregnant had my son at the age of 16,i was with my sons father just before my son turned 2,i meet this great lad who im still with now after 21yrs,the...
Why are people so sad that they have to do this? Are their lives so empty and meaningless that they have to harass people they have never met? Or is that they are small and insignificant in the real...
Wasn't sure whether to put this here or in Shopping but more people seem to go here so hopefully some of you can help! Anyway, I have an 80's themed fancy dress party to go to but I have no idea what...
Do you want a NICE cup of tea...ooooo i had some NICE ham for tea last last, as if we would have some thats grotty? just makes me laugh the way we describe things : ) ( The tea post nudged my memory...