Have had a leaflet through the door from this company saying government grants are now available for householders to insulate their house (Cavity or loft)They make the grant application on your behalf...
Just watched the film(with Jude Law)I found it very irritating although the second half was better when he begins to get his comeuppance.Thank heavens for Susan Sarandon,she gives us all hope! Anyway...
Does anyone know why this sometimes kabooms even when you have time left?Thought it might be because there are no more combinations but a few times it has done it when I had only just changed to a new...
Does anyone regularly travel past this junction? Just wondered if the new traffic lights on the slip road made it any better for you. I use the slip road and couldn't see the point at first but now...
If you are asked to make a cheque payable in your name do you write your own name where it says pay/? Sorry to seem thick but it does not make sense.I am opening an ISA.
Recently I went to Prague and one of the restaurants"Metamorphis" was serving purple goatfish.None of us was brave enough to try it. I have since looked it up and it is akin to red mullet quite rare...
I have asked this question before but not got any answers.Do any ABers play Fruit SAlad? Why does it "Kaboom" sometimes when there is still time left? I thought it might be because...
Hot tip- Do not polish your laminate flooring with spray polish.It makes it extremely slippy.OK so you all knew that ,but you didn't tell me and there may be another muppet out there! It looks nice...