Makes me feel better :) y_bnf (go into "portfolio" then "before and after" the click...
When was the last time you bought your partner a prezzie for the shell hell of it? Not birthdays or xmas,just a random day of the year.It can be as inexpensive as a box of chocs or something more. The...
if someone has their heart pierced with a sword, what would happen? Would they just die instantly? Would lots of blood rush from the wound? Or seep? Would it be dark blood or light blood? Thick or...
I would like to make some of the AB regulars aware of a post on news which will be food for thought for a few...I have posted it here as I know a lot of you keep out of news......
im sat at home feeling really awful today as its my sisters graduation and she was abit upset that i couldn't go (i couldn't get a babysitter) my mum,dad and nan are there to support her and she knows...
What do you reckon?,,30000-1 241158,00.html Would you think about what you say more carefully, last night's now removed post on Body and Soul is a good example.
Me and the lovely Blyss are feeling a bit under the weather and are in need of some serious tlc. Are any of you available to assist? We would be very very grateful ;) xxx
could it be the new bed I wonder??silk sheets and naked body ..and a fan blowing?? or a bug I caught of my son? anyways ..if I dont get any sympathy offa jenna , pink and the rest o ya n 10 mins ..Im...
How many bones have you ever broken -if any?? I've broken : Nose - twice Foot - once Finger - once And that's it! Im sure loads of you have done much much worse!
Anyone met anyone on the internet and ended up having a relationship in real life? Stories please!! I have recently been chatting to someone I have met through a dating site and we are getting on...
I have just visited my parents home and to cut to the chase it is absolutely filthy!, it is no longer just dusty but very grimey in places. They have both suffered ill health in the last few years so...
Hi All! Sorry I have been unable to respond to any questions on the Suggestions page as I have been ill all this week. In answer to some of the questions about sub-topics - We are still working to...
Boyo bach (poor lad) is obviously having problems witha theme for his nuptials. He's gone from goldfish to a hog roast, smacks of despiration! Why not a IACGMOOH theme. (Topical)! 100g crickets 121...
I bumped into Mrs Harris last night, scared the life out of me she did as she was lurking in some bushes outside our Bob's house. She invited me in for a nice cup of nettle tea and some lemon drizzle... de.jhtml?sicontent=0&sicreative=597886267&sitr ackingid=4622742&trk=1&partner=ZJxdm047&spu=tr ue I think these are great fun!!
Well he hasn't asked me out. We have been chatting though and I've found out that his name is Mark, he's 37, he's got a 19 year old son and a 6 year old daughter, he's a weekend and bank holiday dad...