Carbon emissions = nasty nasty global warming , so must stop carbon emissions. Since this will be very difficult, would it not be better to focus on finding a use for the carbon, surely the most...
Tiles in vestibule are in fine condition but are deadly dull, lack lustre.
Any ideas about how to revitalise them?
Can they be painted (tile by tile in the original colours) - if so what paint?
Why not simply introduce variable start times at work? It's only because everyone is headed to work at the same time that much (not all!) of the congestion occurs, so if 50% of the 9am starts became...
Rather than have us pay 'x' for petrol (+ ?x squillions fuel tax), we could be provided - by the manufacturers, with much more fuel efficient power systems ......... so why doesn't it happen? (No...
What would the problems be if we could ban members of political parties from entering parliament, ie only independents could be elected? You can only list a problem if you're willing to propose a...
If you end a sentence with words in brackets, does the full stop go inside, or after, the brackets?
I used to know all this stuff, but after 102 years I've forgotten so much.