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Starts off like this:... 'da da da da dee.... da da da dee da... da da da da dee ... da da da dee doo-ooh'... also sounds like the word 'razorblade' is in there but I could be wrong... I don't even...
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OH! my Gosh! I saw them for sale in Staples on Tues, and then again in Asda yesterday. We are still recvoering from Christmas and they have already started to bring out Easter Eggs. WHat is the world...
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Does anyone know where I can stills from the video? I am absolutely desperate to find some... Thanks.
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i accidently went through a red light. i stopped when the red light appeared however thought the lights had change n proceeded to move. when i looked back the lights were still on red. what can i...
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Not to sound too macabre but how long does a body take to start to decompose? And how long until it fully does. Watching the Bill last night got me thinking.
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What do you think? Is Roeder joking.!!!!
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Has anyone else got the Little Britain DVD quiz, I got my son it for Christmas but it keeps on freezing every now and again, sometimes even half way through the quiz. When it happens I cant even...
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David H
Besides money, is there any point it continuing playing a dead match? The results are totally irrelevant and is really no pleasure watching despite the huge investment that allowed me to do so....
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Israel and Palestine. I dont really know much about the whole situation apart from a dispute about land. What else is there that makes the two not get on with one another?
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what is the name of the song in the new vodafone family advert? x
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I'm looking for the name of an nineties black artist who was in prison, drove a mercedes in the music video, and was a one hit wonder. I can't think who it is any help appreciated?
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heard asong from the new nme compilation that starts of with some one whistling like to tknow the title please
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Proberly a stupid question but Ive recently got broadband (2mbs). Is it true that your ISP can charge extra if you go over this amount and does playing videos on youtube (but not downloading them)...
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here are mine, take that, westlife, robbie williams, girls aloud, beyonce and the spice girls
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After an accident my car is a write off and the insurance have been in touch. Another car was involved and accepted that no-one was to blame. Does my Insurance company pay for my car and his insurance...
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If I have a frontal crash ,In what speed (km) my front air bags must be opend

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