So do I have the right to be furious? Quick rundown... just had fairly serious operation, jaw broken and re-wired in new position. Have had rough time of it so booked a lovely holiday for boyfriend...
If god is a dj and life is a dance floor love is the rhythm and you are the music what kind of record would god play today ??? well???????????????????????????/
if u were viewing a house with the same rent/mortage and without viewing the inside what would put you off considering moving there whats ur big turn off
Id like to say its been fun. I really really really reallly would. But yeah theres always a but i wont........... see ya laters maybes aye maybes nawwwww ok
i am 14 and i really need a job but i dont no where to start looking i have had a paper round and i was bored of that in a couple of weeks a do enough babysitting at the moment for my mum i just need...
During june I complained about the time taken to broadcast tennis, but golf has to beat it for boredom anytime. (it spoils a good walk) wait for the shouting at my comments.