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Do commemorative coins have any value? Such as a Churchill coin dated 1965, Prince of Wales & Lady Diana 1981 and Elizabeth 11 1977....
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I purchased a flat screen JVC TV (No: LT-26DA20J) in 2006. It features fully intergrated digital TV (DVB-T?). Also says 200 programmes from VHF, UHF (analogue) 500 programmes for digital mode. My...
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Im a BusyBee
I have just cancelled my sky subscription and have heard of people buying a 'freesat'? receiver which they then use with their sky dish and get 200ish channells - what is this receiver that i need to...
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At the moment I have SKY digital but am considering going for TALK TALK Package deal mainly because it works out cheaper but will the reception be as good with an aerial compared to the SKY dish? And...
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I have Windows Vista. I want to transfer pictures from my pc to my memory stik but when I connect my memory stik to my pc it comes up on the screen how to view what I have already in my M.S or how to...
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How do I change my profile pic on Facebook? I've done it before but forgotten how I did it!
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I've just ripped a CD to Windows Media Player and would like to put a picture on the album 'cover'. How do I do this? The picture is on Facebook (at the moment)
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HELP! My PC says printer is jammed and yet I can print various papers on the printer but not from the PC. I have set it as default. I typed a letter on MY Documents but unable to print it. What's...
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The garlands look SOOO Christmassy BUT I cannot get the mettalic 'stars shapes to hang from the ceiling. There is a small piece of string at the top of each star but using gaffa tape or drawing pins...
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Anybody know the name of the latest 'Girls Aloud' CD?
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I have currently put on a lot of weight can anyone suggest any methods of gradually loosing weight?
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EXCEL doesn't seem to be listed on my 'All Programmes'. I have Windows Vista - shouldn't EXCEL automatically be on it?
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Knock Knock Who's there? Doorbell repair man....
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Michael Buble on GN show, hope he is not going to 'sing' there are better singers on the karaoke at my local pub, any one else think he is overated?
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I keep the house clean - washing floors, polishing and the like but I'm sat down now and there is clutter all over the table. I just can't be tidy. How do you do it? Are you naturally tidy? Can you...
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If you have a pet, tell us about it. Tell us what kind of animal it is, its name, why you like it, why it is funny, how long you have had it.
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what are any of you looking forward to?
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Apart from your OH (before some wag says so!), what is the oldest thing you possess that you still get use out of?
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Anybody got any idea how to fix a tear on the canopy of a mobility scooter?
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I have anxiety everyday of my life and it tends to disrupt everything. With every good thought I have, god knows how many bad thoughts follow it. Just wondered how you cope with anxious times.

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