i'm a bit confused about pythons.There r frm boa family so do they give birth to living youngs or not coz some sites say they incubate their eggs and also can someone explain me the difference...
I'v heard that a king can insert 500 mili gms of poison that is enough to kill a fully grown elephant.So if a puff-adder or a viper bites an elephant it wont kill it? or is it just an example given to...
To start of with HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE Do cows have horns?Can they attack someone?My friend told me that her mom had been attack by a cow and she had to get stiches.I cant get a hang of it .I...
which is the biggest snake on earth?Someone told me it was the king cobra is it true.I think it is the black mamba PS: when i say big it means the length and the breath
I saw a bird 2day it's body was green in colour and a little red on it's head.It was slightly bigger than a sparrow and while flying he(was a male bird) use to flap his wing several time in...
just recently i saw a dog which had a body like a sausage and small legs what is this breed called and where is it from? also can anyone tell me the difference between DOBERMANN and GREAT DANE?
i have seen this in many animals specially in dogs; they dont like SOMEONE pointing a finger on them or on anyone. they either try to bite or start growing Y do they do that any answers? PS: I dint...
is it true that snakes have no ears if yes then how can they hear is ti through vibration.I'V heard that bats cant see but bats are nocturnal so if they cant see how can they survive and how many bats...
is it true that snakes like the boa family eat their pray alive and then coil around the tree to kill its pray or is it that they suffocate their pray and then eat it and also i'll like to know the...
i'm interested to know the wildlife of different countries or different species but dont know where to look for so can anyone suggest me some book or any site where i can get to know about it as i...
i have this strange fear of a butterfly whenever i see it i scream as if i have seen a ghost.i know that butterflies are one the beautiful creation of nature but i dont know what happens to me...
Are cheetah also from panthera group & if not which group does it fall in?I also want to know how many species of tigers are left in the wildand also there names scientific s well as common.I know...