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Like others, my wife and I have been trying so hard to have children for close to 3 years, with no success. My wife is now on day 36 of her cycle and her temp is floating around 36.6-.8, 0.2-4 above...
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Fish Kid
When fat people run, does it hurt them? I'm not fat, never have been, so when I see some run through the park, I was wondering if the fat wobbling about actually aches? Or as the chances are the...
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Continuing on from my previous doctors really say STAT when they want something done immediatley, or am I in my own little world? he he
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What does it mean when you dream about the same thing over and over again?
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I am writing a script and I was wondering what the machine is called that sends electical pulses to your heart when someone has flatlined in a hopsital. Thanks
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This is just a little question to all the men out there who i'm hoping could shed some light on a few things. Heres goes, I met a guy in a bar a month ago, we text each other constantly, we went out...
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I am going to Malaysia in September to travel about a bit for 2.5 weeks. Has anyone thats been got any advice on things to do/special places to go? I would love to see some elephants!!! Thanks!
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My wife and I are planning to buy a house in the not to distant future.  It wuld be our first time and we have no clue wht to do and what it involves.  Could someone help us out? What are...
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My wife and I are trying to have children for the first time.  However, she has recieved her period as normal this month as usual.    The thing is, she is having frequent sickness bouts...
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Hi all, I have an interview next Thursday for the police force and I am really nervous. Its not just an interview, there are 2 written test, a maths test and 4 role plays. I have never been brilliant...
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Can you take a pregnancy test whilst having a period?
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I have naturally wavy hair and I am thinking of getting it permenately straightened.  Does anyone know roughly how much this will cost, how long it will last and will it do much damage to my...
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Was channel-hopping last night, so glad I stuck with this one.   Any one see it?  Paranoid girl with mad hair - what was all that about??  How tall is the manageress of APEX? ...
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Looks a bit weird I know but I wondered if anyone know the nationality of this surname? The first 2 letters are not LL btw. I cant even pronounce it! Thanks in advance.
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whats your favourite type of food-? what country were you in when you ate the best food ever-?
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Hi, can anyone tell me how many calories there are in a dark chocolate covered brazil nut?  I absolutlely love them and have a couple (or so) a day but have no idea how many cals they have. ...

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