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My granddaughter goes to a C of E school and amongst her RE homework were two questions which she apparently got wrong, despite the fact she had asked her Sunday School teacher. 1. What is meant by '...
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LazyGun Just caught this. This is the guy that gained a lot of prominence back in 2011 by predicting the end of the world was coming, twice in the same year,...
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in ancient christianity a recluse living on a high pillar
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My boyfriend and I have been going out for 3 years. We have always been inimate but for the last couple of months he hasen't wanted to get inimate with me. He is totally in love with girls,he loves...
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Does anyone have any information about a Christian charity set up by 6 Christian Philippino women who live on the outskirts of Manila -They have named it The Handmaidens of God and their burden is for...
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I have just finished watching on TV a programme about twins that are joined by their heads and cannot be separated. Is there any ABer who is going to say that their existence is God given. Ron....
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If heaven is a place where we can meet up with all our old aquaintances and relatives . Would you want to ? How about all those people you never want to see again ? Will they be there ? Would eternal...
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Do you think that like sleep you just slip into a peaceful darkness? Do you believe that somehow and somewhere we are resurrected in a new shape and form? Do you believe that as the books have said we...
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What do you usually do if you find money? I'm not talking a wallet or purse but amounts like 5 or 10 pounds. Do you just put it in your pocket, give it to charity, spend it on something out of the...
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Nostradamus foretold of an ultimate major war of East vs West. With the recent uprisings and now this anti islam film, is the time right for someone to sweep in and unite the muslim world to band...
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what invention couldn't you live without & why
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There seems to be a lot of effort in recent years to insult Mohammad, seemingly just for the heck of it. This has led to a lot of unpleasantness due to Muslims feeling they need to protest against...
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From what I see all banks do these days is store your money and use it to create money for themselves. Very little of the profits go to ordinary people, they are just shared around among this elite...
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Without turning this into a 'are ghosts real thread' has anyone witnessed the below phenonenem? I've often heard of people saying after their mum/dad has passed away, soon after they get a breif visit...
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Religion has said only to existed for 30,000 years but mankind has been on the planet for much longer than this. Many of the recent wars have involved religion with one trying to dominate the other....
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What Passage in the bible new testement, does it say that children and animals will go to heaven. i think jesus says it to his desciples?
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I do not believe in God, spout any part of the Bible and I'll dismiss it as fiction. However, some of the nicest people I know are religious, many different faiths between them but as a person they...
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sherminator One of he smartest men on the planet thinks so!!!...

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