Up to 10 days ago we had two goldfish - different breeds - which had been together for a few years and lived quite happily in a large tank in the lounge. Unfortunately the big one (Harry) died and...
Does anyone know the name of a t.v film about 3 men on a fishing trip, who stayed in a seaside boarding house. It was shown in the 60s I believe. It starred Brian Glover .
I missed the first of the new series last week, but watched the second one yesterday. My question is...what has happened to Father Guy? Only the Methodist minister was seen and mentioned last night...
Did any ardent fans of Pride & Prejudice watch this - and if so, what did you think? P&P is one of the all-time classics - wonderful stuff - and I'm always dubious when something like this is given an...
We are constantly getting bombarded with tis type of programme the latest being "Make me a Christian" think its on channel 4 sometime soon, is nothing sacred, and i am sick to the back teeth of these...
just finished watching the newest dr who episode tonight. if the doctor is regenerating and when the doctor regenerates, he becomes a new doctor, then who is the new doctor going to be if it is not...
okay i thought this programme ended.. but here i am finding repeats and different shows about it on bbc1/2.. okay this is at like midnight.. but i am really sick of it now. i thought it was okay when...
Hope no one has any objections to this posting being brought to peoples attention again, thank you. A new quiz is now avalable to raise funds for a computer and I.T. equipment for a Pre-school. There...
What is the point of this programme about which type of house is the best. The two presenters choose houses in three price ranges and then decide which is the most typical of the style chosen for that...
Why is it that there is never a happy ending on these sort of programmes. I was willing Martin and Louisa to get married and the script writers have deprived me of yet another happy ending. Is anyone...
I was most impressed listeneng to it, have a read, or just the key quotes, I'd be interested to read your thoughts on it. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml =/news/2007/10/03/ncam503.xml
My daughter is planning to marry next september-ish and wants to get married at a venue in Oxford or surrounding area. I've looked a few up and they can be costly I know. Does anyone have any...
Are there any ABers doing this quiz? I could do with a bit of help if there is anyone willing as the end date is at the end of this week. Nos. 49, 140 and 162 are the ones I'm stuck for. Any help...