Should this woman be made to pay the legal expenses this trial has cost the taxpayer? In one such similar case the woman was sent to jail, but I don't think she was a...
NOW WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THIS., MERRY OLD ENGLAND HAVE THEY GOT SOME STARCH IN THEIR BRITCHES.? Royal snub for the Obama’s: Prince William and Kate Middleton wedding: President Barack Obama and...
They've done this to death now, what do they hope to prove? What possible action could come from this? If they sling him in Jail then great but I can't see that happenning so what's the point?
i rent a garage to store my motorbike and recently somebody keeps parking in front of the garage and blocking me from getting it in or out there is enough space to open the doors but i dont wanna be...
http://www.theanswerb...w/Question979764.html Here is a recent question where most expressed a similar level of revulsion to me, yet Burglary still needs mutiple offences before jail is even...
I am very Euro-sceptic, and normally bristle when I see us being forced to do things by Europe. On this point I am totally underwhelmed though. Can anyone explain to me why prisoners should not be...
Have you ever known or worse still worked with a complete know-all? Someone who constantly interrupts you, answers before you have a chance to, and answeers other people's question even though they...
Baroness Warsi is to say that prejudice against muslims has become socially acceptable and is the last basion of biggotry in this country is she right? So Pastor Terry Jones has been banned fro the UK, his crime 'threatening to burn the Koran'. We openly witness Muslims, not threatening, but actually burning poppies during... The country is full of Imams preching hatred every day in every Mosque up and down the country, often outside on the street, not to mention the anti...
Reference the BBC news on Cameron's dilemma with the European Court of Justice viz. The H of Parliament and the political angle. Should Prisoners have the right of vote (and in view of the previous...
I recently filled in a Mori Poll and some questions were misleading in as much as so many questions couldn't be given simple answers. In my coffee group only one person considered themselves...
Hello AB'ers. Well, I'm sure there are many people here who own a car or two, and I'm sure that many will agree with me that the cost of fuel has gone up considerably. Talk about the most avaricious...
I have managed to find several websites which explain the odds of winning ANY prize from holding premium bonds. One site also explained the odds of winning the £1million prize is 40 billion to 1...
Ok, here is one for the boffins - Two particles that are 'entangled' are then seperated - if you look at one and detect its spin, the other will automatically be the other spin. This happens faster...
Here's my imaginary scenario. Hitler gets deposed in 1939 for a more moderate nazi leader, say Speer. Europe is at peace and all is well. What next? Would peace have lasted? I assume that Russia would...
OK so local authorities are having to cut back, so why don't they start with the 600,000 non jobs created under Noo Labour? Instead it seems useful things like libraries etc are going. We can all do...
After enduring months of harassment from my local council about an alleged problem on my land for which the case has been closed due to no evidence, - the council are not satisfied that the alleged...