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do you have to give your car insurance company to alert them to change existing insurance over to a new car ?
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It has been whispered in my shell like that you can over water tomatoes is this true Answerbankers With thanks Rick...
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We have a wasps nest under the eaves of our cottage which isn't a problem as such but has anyone heard the noise they make? I've had to move out of the bedroom because it is so weird. There is a...
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How do we get mould off of shower curtains ?
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Tomorrow I'm traveling to France (by car and ferry) and we have just realised my passport has expired! I have tried to get an emergency one but the waiting list for an appointment is like a week long,...
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often when our wheelie bin has been emptied, some rather foul-smelling liquid appears at the bottom inside. Is this put there by the binmen and, if so, for what reason?
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Asked in Motoring and was guided here... I guy at work reckons he was going so fast in his car once that he took off going over a hump-back bridge & cleared the car coming the other way, on...
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Hi, had the usual surface algae and some green water in the goldfish tank recently, went down the usual route, algae cleaner, changed filters , no good, emptied and sterilised everything and replaced...
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I am a bit worried- my PC seems to get noisier as the evening goes on. I am worried as it is getting a bit old but I'm in the middle of a dissertation and need it to survive! Is there anything I can...
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can anyone tell me why the leaves on my tomatoes are curling up thanking you in anticipation Rick...
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If God wanted us in his own image—Why did he create us to sin?
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woke up this morning, and my index finger (first joint) is swollen sore to touch and difficult to use. Any ideas? It is also a little warm to touch....
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Waiting to turn right onto a fairly narrow country road. Car opposite me also waiting to turn right. In theory we should move behind each other but no room as road too narrow - so who has automatic...
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what time should a 3yrold go to bed?
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I moved out of rented accommodation over a 1 month before my contract was up, cleaned the room (which landlord checked), locked the room and handed my keys back. Other tenants who I shared with were...
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My garden plants in large wooden tubs are attracting big flies. I've checked for dead snails / slugs & removed dead leaves & weeds but my plants are always covered in large flies - does anyone...
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Grown from discarded seeds but I want them to flourish somewhere.
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Do anyone know of where I can buy a second hand ladies mountain bike from around the Blackpool/Preston area for around 20-35quid? (in working condition) I have looked on ebay and no buy it nows around...
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Anyone here know the way newsagents make their living? For instance, if my paper costs me £1 a day, how much does the newsagent get out of that pound (excluding deliveries). I had thought papers...
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My 21 yr old stepson (who loves with us) displays some really worrying traits towards his g'friend. For eg: he doesn't like her wearing makeup, doesn't like other men talking to her, often speaks...

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