My partner always wants sex, but I dont. I end up having sex with him even if I dont want to because otherwise he gets fed up with me and implies that he will finish with me if I dont because he has...
i have a vauxhall corsa , and some lowlife keeps comming into our cul de sac and knocking wingmirrors off ( i know dragged up ) is there a fitting i can get that folds my wing mirrors in please as im...
the wing mirrors fold in ? please as some low life keeps breaking them off all the time its costing me a fortune is there a device i can buy or get fitted please i know the chances are slim thansk in...
What is it with you people on this site? I completed this quiz in six hours by myself and you lot are not going to be happy til the whole world has all the answers. If you can't do it just leave it...
"I WANDERED LONELY AS A CLOUD" I WANDERED lonely as a cloud That floats on high o'er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils; Beside the lake, beneath the trees,...
i have an unusual spot down below its in between my vagina and my bum it hurts somcetimes but not all the time. It is red, and iv had it before but its gone and now its back. what is it?
I have just eaten 2 potato waffles 2 poached eggs tin of beans was that greedy of me? should i have had 1 potato waffle 1 poached egg 1/2 tin beans and that big bar of dairy milk i'm trying soooo hard...
Gawd these do my head in. Why is it that the thing Im ringing about never seems to be in the list of options? So I press '0' to get more options and it isnt there either, so after 20 minutes of...
Not your AB username (you chose that one) but the name your parents chose for you? I've always fancied being called 'Algernon' after my hero 'Algernon Tarquin Farquin Sinbib Dinbin Linbin F'tang...
I have been asked to join a residential committee and run for the secretary position. I'm wondering what will be involved in for filling this position? And basically how a committee works. Cheers DM
Afternoon, I've received several emails from users who were having problems posting. I haven't replied to each individual email but the problem should be fixed and all validated accounts should now be...
now gordon brown is saying that the uk has a special relationship with the usa saying it will only grow stronger.what the hell has the usa ever done for the uk?i must be missing his point somewhere.