Are there any rules about membership fees that a trade union can charge? The question is Can they charge same membership fees for part time and full time workers. I know of one union the PCS that...
Not festive fayre I know. Has anyone made this soup using preserved kaffir lime leave (from a jar). I desperately want to make this soup but can't find fresh kaffir lime leaves anywhere.
The report into traffic congestion is out today and what does it say ....We might have to pay to use the roads through tolls !!! Don't we pay enough anyway with the Road Tax and tax on petrol ?
I started reading a novel the other day called Faithless, by Karin Slaughter. In it she discribes the main character's mother putting a joint that she is going to be roasting the following day in coca...
Has anyone else received a page out of a newspaper advertising wrinkle cream. The envelope is handwritten, your christian name is handwritten on the newspaper telling you to "try it it works". Sounds...
Have been asked by my mum to chip in with my brothers to buy her an expensive moisurising cream for Xmas. Has anybody any ideas on makes as I'm a bit of a Ulay girl myself
Don't quite know where to post this question, as I will probably have to buy something it will have to be here. Been invited to a fancy dress party, the theme is Pirates! What would a woman wear, I...
My son wants a DS for Xmas but still has an GameBoy SP. Are the games from the SP compatible with the DS. I don't mind buying the console but I'm not going to replace all them games thats for sure. Ta
Whats in a Doner Kebab? I tried one sober the other day and it tasted lovely. But whats in one? I have heard both scare stories and people telling me its okay to have one once in a while. So whats the...
I bought an umbrella in next and it broke the second time I used it. Do you think I could demand a replacement as its not "fit for purpose"? I don't have the receipt
The old videos on the blink and i thinking of getting a decent DVD H/D -Disk recorder / player .Already got sky any opinions as to what's best . Regards Ray
Have decided against buying a pedigree puppy when so many dogs are homeless. Can anyone suggest a good place to look for a rescue dog in Hertfordshire? Many thanks.
Hello Hello Hello!!!! to Rocky Raccoon and Kosmic and all.... Dylan the Dobie is absolutely amazing and as daft as a brush lol.... he has eaten his way through paddywhacks and shed loads of rawhide...
A few weeks ago some some of you gave me advice about my boyfriends dad keeping his mail. Well now he has got no where as its all been re-directed to my address he has decided to phone my mobile,...