My TV had green patches on it so as it was 12 years old we bought a new one, low and behold there they were again so thought it must bt Sky+ box. Screamed at Sky who gave us a new box and blow me...
I've been trying to change my email address in the edit profile bit but it just won't do it. Am I being thick. The address in there at the moment does not exsist anymore.
I bought some of these at the supermarket, ready made, thinking 'ah what an ideal cheat for my dinner party this week'. However... I have no idea what to do with them! I have searched the internet but...
With all the snow yesterday over a million children wernt allowed to go to school due to them being shut. How do you feel about this? Many adults today are moaning they had to take time off work to...
Regional expressions fascinate me, including what makes some of us (in the North ???) call the mid-day meal dinner, and others ,lunch. Where are you from and what do you call it ?
Can anyone remember the chewing gum that was square and when you bit into it, it had a liquid stuff inside? I've asked peeps and nobody has any recollection of it, did I dream it ? What was it called...
In Derbyshire we don't put butter on our bacon sandwiches, however I've noticed that you don't have to travel far south before they do. It fascinates me, where does this begin, and where else does...
Can anyone help, me and my boyfriend would really like to go to thailand, but im very nieve and i cant seem to find a website that answers the questions im looking for. Will I get ill? - do I need to...
It's bugging me. This advert, when they show the waterfall. I swear they're playing the video backwards and the water is going upwards. I keep forgetting about it, then not really looking when it...
Does anybody know of a good instant stock that does not contain any of that hydrolised/hydrogenated vegetable protein. I like to make soup and usualy use Marigold Swiss Veg Bouillon but this has it...
what your favourate drink when out on the town, my favorate was taboo lemonade but iv just got the taste for white wine and also while im getting ready to go out i love lambrini!
what is the difference? if my clothes have no greasy spillages on them but are just a bit sweaty etc am I better using non-biological? I'm finding that the armpits are not washing very well with...