It's high time this activity (which masquerades under the name of sport) was banned. So many tragic cases in the past, and now one more. ...
As usual this a.m. I read the online news. I can no longer read/ see pictures coming out of Gaza, they are so distressing and inhuman. I know I'm lucky I can choose not to look, some people in... ...
The EU has passed legislation that bans the import of goods linked to deforestation from 2025. If the UK wants to continue exporting goods to the EU, then we will have to pass similar laws to... ...
They say they don't support Hamas, but now Israel is under attack from that terrorist organisation, they're out on the streets calling for Palestine to be free. If they are not supporting Hamas... ...
If you just had the symptons of a common cold? Started with the sniffles and sneezes yesterday. This morning awoke to the same plus runney nose and sore throat. (No different from any other cold... ...
How many posters on here wish they had the power to Ban posters they don't like, or disagree with what they say. And would like AB just for themselves and their chosen posters ? A chums club... Jezza Crorbyn apparently has given a pro Hamas speech. Millions voted for the idiot to become PM in 2019. Un-effing-believable. ... Will you take the word if President Biden? //President Biden referenced seeing images Wednesday of the mutilated... ...