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I have just read Fred and Edie by Jill Dawson (fantastic book,loved it) but i wonder if anyone can tell me what is a stirabout,as in "when i`d drunk my milk and eaten my stirabout".Just...
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Just started reading union street , it's great, has anyone read anything else by her that they can recommend?
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I have recently purchased a new leather suite from a well known Furniture Store. Usually the smell of leather is quite likeable but this suite smells very strong. To me it has a damp plastic smell...
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i have recently accuried a brooch bought from the goldsmiths and silversmiths at 112 regent street, london. would anyone be able to help me identify the brooch or tell me what it represents? i have...
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I've been with my fiancee for almost 7 years and the spark has completely gone from our relationship. I love him, but I sometimes wonder if I'm still "in-love" with him. I feel like I'm really stuck...
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I'm worried about my female cat. She is now 12 years old. Her fur on her back and her back legs have become thin and she eats very little. Also she sleeps almost all the time in front of my fire. It's...
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up for rugby this weekend? Ipswich are desperately short of hookers...
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Can anyone give me some idea how much it might cost to build a standard-size utitility room on to my kitchen? I would be making a large window into a sliding door to access the utility room? Also, can...
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Is it black, or has anyone seen him wearing a different coloured one?
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Are there any other cat rescuers out there who can give me some advice about kittens. I have been bottle feeding two kittens since they were around two weeks old. They are now six weeksand have...
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Put in as many details as you can. Make it a possible day, not a "dream" day.
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i made a mistake at work this morning, and was told by the boss "my head is up my a55" called me a "d1ckhead" and told me to "p1ss off" would anybody else stand for this treatment? i know not many...
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How can you tell what sex a kitten is?
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what causes parvo?
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And why do other people's cats like my garden so much? How can I keep the moggies out?
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i have 6 month old kitten and she chews everythink even my wires, i am worriedshe will chew one that is pluged inn. i have brought her loads of toys and some spray that is ment to stop her but she...
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aka pixi
If you had the chance to extend your life by say 200 years (without getting frail and falling to pieces old) would you do it or not and why? Oh and only you can do this, your family friends etc cant.
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How many of you out there are veggies? Any vegans?
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A friend wants to know if you can eat the meat of a rabbit with mxymetosis YUK
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I have noticed in the past couple of days that every time I try to stroke my cat's head, he puts his head down, and his ears, could there be someting wrong in his ears, and what could I get to treat...

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