And hopefully I've changed for the better. I'm older now and have done a lot of growing up the last few months. My views on issues have changed and I have tried to be more considerate. I am thoroughly...
Seeing that some of you have either chosen to take my postings completely out of context, or have chosen to fabricate untruths, if not complete lies so as to somehow strengthen their own agenda. With...
I went into a shop to buy a couple of bits which came to ?3. I handed the cashier a ?10 note, and she gave me ?17 in change!! She must have thought I had handed her a ?20, or else she was just miles...
Due to all the stuff about dangerous playground games has anyone ever taken drastic action to prevent an accident re-occuring. I once fell over running with my hands in my pockets and they got stuck...
Does anyone else have problems with SKY DD paypath? I usually pay by Direct Debit but because there was insuffient funds in the account they cut me off. I rang them and told them that i would pay and...
The recent 'size zero' phenomenon has struck fear into many people. Mothers are worried their daughters will end up anorexic in the quest to be thin, women worry that being emaciated is now beautiful....
Is an ear infection usually caused by a virus. Also would it be right to give a toddler antibiotics to clear it. My previous doctor never would he always said antibiotics were useless for an ear...
Am chatting to a lovely guy online and he has said I can ask him whatever I want to find out more about him. Thought it'd be interesting (and amusing) to open it up to your dear selves for some...
My girlfriend wants to have an abortion. But I don't want her to. I saw papers of hers, about having an abortion and it's made me feel a bit bad. I want to be a father and it seems quite hard. She...
I was at a party last night and I got into the club and I started taking drugs and drink(save me the lecture). Next thing I knew I was outside the nightclub in the early morning lying down near the...
I see on the BBC news website that discussions have started about awarding compensation to the relatives of slaves. Where the hell will this end? do we pay compensation to the Irish for the potato...
The girl who sits next to me at work for 8hrs a day has today been diagnosed with tonsilitis and was off work. she is 23 and i am Male, age 26 - I have never had it, am i at risk from catching it? if...
I thought I had piles but... For about 3 or 4 weeks I've noticed two hard lumps (one each side), that seem relatively large, 'appear' after going to the toilet. This is usually but not always...
have recently upgraded my account to a student one from a current account, although im a second year student didnt realise before now i'd be entitle cos im a mature student. Anyway have sorted all the...
In the event of Scotland gaining independence, what is the position of the Shetland Isles who for many years have claimed more affinity to Norway, with little feeling for Scotland.
Following my previous post, I also have thicker bluey purpley veins visible under the skin on my legs. Varicose veins run in my family and my mum says this is what hers looked like in the begining....