You'd have been old enough to go to the trenches in WW1. If you'd survived that, returned home and had a family, your sons could have been cannon fodder in WW2.
22d Glaswegian, perhaps -one with a classical feature? (6)
28a A flight, maybe? Abroad with spring?(8)O???O?N?.
27d Letter from America the BBC occasionally sent up(4)
2d Exercises: something required in times of Covid?(8) ??M???R?.
20a Places where one may research political party, or a group from the opposite side(12) ???O?A?O????....
They'd need to already have a sufficient command of English to enable them to study degree courses. Why study abroad when the language barrier could be a problem?
Would there be any place for a think-tank made up of former Prime Ministers? Major, Blair, Brown, Cameron, May, Johnson, and Truss, are surely all too wise and learned to be allowed to moulder on the...
In it's blurb it says he drank as many as 100 units a week. That works out at about a bottle and a half of wine each day. While that would be harmful to health in the long run it wouldn't impress a...