Please, please please!! Read some of the questions about musical mystery, and now Im hooked :) Im almost done as well, but this question is driving me insane! Please help me out if you can :) The...
Can anyone recommend a UK website for buying, selling or exchanging 2nd hand goods? (I find the competition of sites like ebay distasteful, having no desire to be one of life's 'winners'). Any ideas?...
I have been thinking of buying a dvd recorder now for a whie.The problem i have is which 1 to go for?.What should i be looking out for? i do have a budget so i'm not wanting to spend over ?250.I mean...
Anyone know what context this word should be used in? I am currently using it as a section header to clear up ambiguity in a brief i have been given. Is there a better word for this?
What is signified when someone hangs across the back of a vehicle a non-standard size, white number plate with red lettering in a non-standard sequence... eg. MMT 32 ? The vehicle I saw today, the...
Me and t'brother in law are driving to Vegas from LA next week to watch (not compete in, sadly) the 9-ball pool championship at the Riviera. Having left things to the last bloody minute as usual we've...
Here are the notes for another piece of music i have been trying to place for ages - again, they are very approximate, but should give you an idea! F F F D# C# A# G# C# D'# F# F C#
he may be going on holiday with a ex girlfriend who dumped him for someone else. She is not interested in him in a romantic way but they have remained friends. He was REALLY into her, and I don't...
have wooden floorboards. Rcently someone has moved in who waers shoes on them all the time. My boyfriend thinks I shouldn't say anything, even though it drives us mad, it is so loud. What do you...
In an early series of Friends, Rachel starts dating a guy called 'Russ', in an attempt to get over Ross. He's played by David Schwimmer but in the credits he's listed as 'Snarro'. Does anyone know...
Ok don't know where to put this but anyway: I have a pair of light denim knee high boots, and i've got them really dirty from wearing them out to the pub and stuff. they're like a normal denim fabric...
I've had a few problems with combi drives in the past. can anyone help me with an outlet or make/model of a reliable/good DVDRW at a reasonable price in the uk?