The storyline involving Sinead is a heartbreaking one. At times I feel like shaking her and tell her to stop being so stupid and on the other hand I marvel at her bravery.
Melissa Whitchurch, one of the parents in the story of having to live on 74 pence, lost her job 11 years ago due to ill health. But I see she has a 5 year old daughter. My question is which is harder?...
A man at the petrol station accidentally caught his arm on fire whilst filling up and smoking at the same time. He was running around screaming waving his arm. Luckily the police was nearby and was...
One of my nephews has been diagnosed with depression and my brother has asked all the family to help. My question is: Would you want someone texting you everyday to ask how you are?? or would you do...
Wife to Husband: I have a bag full of used clothing that I am going to donate to the charity shop. Husband: Why not dump it all in the rubbish? it is much easier. Wife: But there are poor starving...
And they're blaming brexit. The nine months in advance rule has been scrapped. So if you renew 9 months early you only get 6 months loaded on your new passport. What the bell has this got to do with...
Checking the answers for the K l links game and wondering why I was not mentioned as I definitely submitted with 2 of the correct answers only to find there is nothing from me!!! So where's my post???...
I have downloaded ADW and Avast but where can I find where they are on laptop. Have windows 10 and no icons are shown. Sorry if this is a silly question but I am not very techy.
Liz Fraser the blond carry on star has died. She was fantastic in the carry ons. RIP.
On a previous thread it was stated that Windows 10 comes with anti virus. So if purchasing a new laptop with Windows 10 and the sales assistant with her spiel persuades you to buy an anti virus they...
Whilst I was in the US, I could use AB without any trouble at all. But now that I am back in the UK, I have to keep logging in for every thread I visit!!!!!