About 2 weeks ago I noticed my right armpit was very achy all day which worsened into the evening, it felt like I'd pulled a muscle- especially when I lifted my arm or rolled my shoulder. Got in the...
Two elderly residents, a man and a woman, were sitting alone in the lobby of their nursing home one evening. The old man looked over and said to the old lady, "I know just what you're wanting....
I've had the huge total of 3 cards, however........ Had the day off work and after driving a total of 178 miles I've seen my daughter 1 card and t shirts, seen my Mum 1 card and a bit of money, seen...
I don't know what's going on at the moment, when I log in it takes ages for my profile and answer to appear. It's been like this for a couple of days. I'm having to use Firefox at the moment, could it...
Does anybody know a manufacturer or website where a man can buy shorter than normal (27") lightweight track suit bottoms?. All the normal manufacturers make them in a length which is far too long...
All my previousexperience of foxgloves ia that their flowers are purple - I now have one growing in my drive which started with yellow flowes and has now added white ones. Is this rare ?
but it's a good story, and rather a catchy little song ! A musician named Dave Carroll recently had difficulty with United Airlines. Dave spent over 9 months trying to get United to pay for damages...
I'm demented! #2 daughter is 6 weeks old and just won't settle in her cot. She cries when you leave her in there! She's not unwell, hot, cold, hungry, etc etc. She will settle happily if I lift her...
Clothingwise I mean! For me it has to be a dark suit, crisp white shirt, top button undone, maybe a hint of a tan. Makes me go all of a dither just thinking about it. Think men in suits look so...
I indulged in a sex act with another woman 3 weeks ago and have been getting an itchy upper lip which now seems to have evolved into little white spots. I also had my upper lip waxed for the first...
I watched TOTP2 last night and The Goodies were on doing The Funky Gibbon. I know a lot of songs and TV shows do not age well, but i always found the Goodies to be utterly unfunny at the time, and...
Has anyone got a pot of Evening Primrose Oil and can look at the label for me. I want to know if it is OK for my 11 year old daughter to take. I think she's getting hormonal and wondered if this might...
Did anyone watch it? What a lovely actor. He shunned the glitz, prefering to have privacy and a close circle of actor friends. A very humble man. I had no idea how many films he'd made, although I...
If you could write to a celebrity you are a really big fan of, really love him/her and love everything about them especially their smile what would you say in the letter without sounding like just...