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Ehat are the dates of the remaining England World Cup qualifying games? (soccer)
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What is the Eden Project?
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Does anyone know how footballers get paid for international games?
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Who is Jose Rauol Capablanca?
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Will Concorde ever fly again?
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The say Life Begins at 40. How could life begin at 40 when people have already gone through life as a teenager, as a person in their 20s & 30s?
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What are the rules governing the 9pm watershed and what can and cannot be shown
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Does the Swiss army actually use Swiss army knives?
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What footballer has won cup medals in the English, Scottish, Irish and League of Ireland?
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I thought Murray Walker had retired. How come he's back commentating on this, and the previous, Grand Prix?
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What is your favourite movie? I have liked 'The Matrix' since it came out! I will always like it!
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Who was the fastest pensioner (over 60 years old) to finish a marathon?
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Jeff Cole
Which team has won the European Cup twice, but has their name on it 3 times ?
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Where can I buy Region 1 DVDs?
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allen ives
What's the full spec for Formula One engines (which I believe are three-itre), compared with Formula 3000? Why do F1 cars go like the clappers compared with the F3000 ones?
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alex rules
What was the first music video?
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What the best football in the world
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alex rules
Why are game shows always boring?
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What is the music used in the Argos's advert, the really old music thats really cool.....?
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Which team in World Football has won the most Titles in each of their respective countries (including domestic and continential competitions) ?

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