The 6th grade science teacher, Mrs. Parks, asked her class, 'Which human body part increases to ten times its size when stimulated?' No one answered until little Mary stood up and said, 'You should...
Was just listening to Radio 2 & there was a conversation regarding bullying. One woman said bullying should be dealt as soon as it's brought to the teacher's/parents attention & nipped in the bud....
Just thought you might like to take a look at the ITV Local Live Cam's: My daughter & I have just been looking at Brighton Beach in the snow, etc.
Just rec'd this email, have fun! A LIVING SPIDER Poke and prod the spider with your mouse. Also 'grab' one of its legs with your mouse and drag it around the screen - tell me it's not alive!...
A woman and a baby were in the doctor's room, waiting for the doctor to come in for the baby's first examination. The doctor arrived, and examined the baby, checked his weight, and being a little...
Friends Survey 1. What time is it ? 2. What's your nickname? 3. What are you most afraid of? 4. What's the most recent movie you've seen? 5. Place of birth? 6. Favourite food? 7. What's your natural...
Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following. They have to be real places, names, things, nothing made up! Try to use different answers if the person in front of you had the same...
Just received an email with this link of pictures taken above London at night: n_from_above_at_night.html?s_cam That's for anyone interesting London of...
Following on from dusty's thread, is anyone else having trouble opening up AB? I keep popping back & forth, but it's taking so long to load up, it'll be time for breakfast soon!
What do you do with all the Christmas cards you've received, once the festive season in over? I like to keep the ones from my nearest & dearest, but always have so many others I don't bother...
I have recently upgraded IE to Version 7.0 & ever since then, every time I close the page, up comes a message from Microsoft reading 'Error Report - Send or Don't Send. I have the error message...
WIFE: What would you do if I died? Would you get married again? HUSBAND: Definitely not! WIFE: Why not - don't you like being married? HUSBAND: Of course I do. WIFE: Then why wouldn't you remarry?...
Have just heard on the news that baby Hope, one of the conjoined twins has died whist being separated at Gt Ormond Street Hospital. It's so sad, especially after seeing pictures of her & her sister...
The neighbours across the road put their dec's up on Friday night - the 28 Nov! They've got red lights in & around their porch & those awful zig zaggy, frenetic ones across their bay windows - enough...
Just listening to Radio 2 & a really nice lady said that her family were hit by the credit crunch last Christmas & they couldn't afford presents & all the trimmings, So - she packed up a picnic & they...