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David and Samantha Cameron's new baby born three weeks early in Cornwall congratulations to the happy couple , they had probably booked top gynecologists but baby didn't wait and they had to do what...
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Don't ask why I need them, but so far I have come up with: Wee'll Meet Again Save All Your Pi$$es For Me Sealed With a Pi$$ Can you think of any others?...
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Hi Sqad wonder if you can help again. I have been posting about thinning hair, Spirulina and also Kelp. My thyroid is 'borderline' low but not enough for medication. I take 20mg daily Simvastatin. I...
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Just want to rant... Things going badly... 1. My 16 week old baby is teething and spends every waking minute crying. Am plying her with lots of different gels and powders but she's still not happy....
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She is really annoying me with her crinkly eyes. What is it about her eyes that is so annoying? And what is that scarf wrapped around her head for - has she got a new job as a BBC cleaner ? I have to...
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Hello, Am looking to go to LA, San Fran, Yosemite Park etc etc in the last 2 weeks of September. Generally what is the weather like? Hot/rainy etc. Thanks
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Further to my previous thread : http://www.theanswerb...y/Question928480.html I have now found two CDs, one is Windows 98 (!) from a previous PC, and also Microsoft Works Suite which includes...
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Can plants take in water through stomata?
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anyone help me with this problem my computer has lost its volume can barely hear it now. nothing muted have checked volume controls
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Further to my previous thread and the wonder food I have just discovered called Spirulina. Can someone please tell me if it is safe to take this as I take 20mg Simvastatin daily ?
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Trying to use skype, can see my brother the 'other end' in Oz and hear him but he can't hear me. I dont have a webcam and think I also need to buy a microphone. Would my laptop have a built in...
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I have to have blood tests every few months for underactive thyroid, but first I have to make an appointment with the doctor just to pick up one of those blood type envelopes which says what you are...
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I have been using Perfectil for Hair Skin and Nails for three months now, my nails are a bit better but not my skin or hair. I have now bought some Kelp. Would this be better? Especially for thinning...
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A bull jumped over the stadium rail and into the crowd of spectators who presumably were about to watch a bull fight in Spain, it just jumped over rail after rail over the crowd, unbelievable!!!!
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What are your thoughts on this please? William Roache (the actor who plays Ken Barlow in Coronation Street) lost his daughter in 1984 to pneumonia. She was a baby .... eighteen months old. He believes...
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Isn't the big brother an actor? I've seen the accused brother on tv before, anyone know whether jk's show has ever been accused of setting up a show?
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does anyone know of a website where you can buy good quality clothes cheaply...
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i would really love to get a puggle puppy, i am disabled and need cheering up and i have always wanted one any help appreciated thanks
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Are weedkillers such as Resolva a danger to birds?
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Do you buy the expensive stuff and if you do, is it worth the extra money?

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