puddicat Sun 29/03/09 19:41 mercy only because you accused me of being drunk and stuck lol at the end of it, as to placate me dot.hawkes Sat 14/02/09 20:24 next thing you know he'll be calling Martin...
Started of well, sunny in Gods country, joined in with the ABer set (the in-crowd) life was good, and thennnnn Bl00dY council worker on his quad bike "thingy" was outside my daughters house up the...
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/ 8035168.stm What a lucky guy! And a Brit too!!! We should be proud of him winning amongst those thousands of applicants!!!!! Good luck to him and are we...
http://barrybeelzebub.blogspot.com/ A definite case for sterilization when I'm King of the World! There's just going to be generations of them . I watch them walk past . It's like a horror movie !
Well, well, well, The A@@ehole that is Max (Mr 95%) Clifford's now telling us something we already knew long ago. Jade Goody had no talent..... I suppose ''She had no talent'' when she was making his...