Country, capital Rome _ta_y ?
Popular cut of lamb _eg ?
Precious Metal, symbol AU Go_d ?
European monetary unit Eu_o ?
Sparkling wine from Reims Ch_mp_gne ?
27 ac liquid part of a citrus fruit (4,5) lime ??i?a 30 ac informatonal capacity of link between computers (9) b?n???d?e 2 dn tube used as a means of regulating flows of liquids (7) ?e????i many...
Okay - I give up! 6d Any of a series of space probes (5) L?N?K. 19a Shovel at end of mechanical arm (7) S?C?H?E. 24a Make shady,dark or dull (6) O?A???. 25d Far beyond the norm (5) ??T?A. Thank you in...
Cany anybody tell me what on earth Picture D is showing, we are all going mad here trying to work it out - and we do not know the people with Bruce Forsyth! grateful thanks in advance from Crosspatch
Am stuck on a few, can someone help, please: 17a record holder recovered after accident (5,3) ????k ?o? 24a help to catch bird - booby or loon (7) ????e?d 26a fish you can see in eyeglass, oddly(4)...