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Wow! I have just had my daily run-through of my favourite categories (does not include Quizzes & Puzzles) and there are no new Marlboro questions!!
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It looks like the cylinder head gasket of my daughter's 2001 Corsa has "gone". The car is at the garage awaiting diagnosis on Monday. What could be the causes of this, or is it just something which...
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If two lines were drawn across the UK where, north of the top one, people say bath, path, glass (short "a") and south of the bottom one, they say "bahth", "pahth", "glahss" (long "a"), where would...
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Can anyone recommend a free, downloadable CD/DVD label maker? I don't need lots of bells and whistles, just something to create a photo label with some text on which I can then print onto a...
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We've got a smart rat! I have been baiting a trap (a large version of the classic mouse-trap) with parmesan cheese rind but the little devil keeps taking the cheese without setting off the trap. The...
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How can I copy video tape recordings to DVD?
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Is there ANY subject not covered by Wikipedia? If only the English language version of Wikipedia was printed out, how many pages would there be?
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When I click on a question I have answered in order to read the answers, the text of the question is not there. All I see is the new preview facility.
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I live outside the UK and have just returned from a week's holiday there (driving around the south west of England). I noticed in several places that series of white triangles were painted along the...
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If the UK became a republic, what would it be called? "The Republic of Great Britain and Northern Ireland" is a bit long-winded. Any other ideas?
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1. AircraftThe use of mobile phones is not permitted on commercial flights as they can interfere with the aircraft's navigation systems. Has this been proved?Every day, there must be tens of thousands...
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Now that the dust has (presumably) settled concerning this: and Ryanair put a tongue-in-cheek cover-up on their website:...
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Does anybody know how far ahead of transmission the Apprentice episodes are recorded?
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This is from Rare Time Alignment TomorrowStatus: Partially true, partially falseAn email is circulating around that makes the following claim:On Wednesday of this week...
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How many clocks, watches, timers etc have you had to change? (Reply tomorrow (Sunday) when you've done them all).
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This has probably been requested before, but would it be possible for questions to be bounced to the top of the page whenever they receive an answer? I recently received an answer to a "whatever...
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Are bi-weekly and bi-monthly the most useless words in English? In the same context they can mean completely different things: In other words, if you...
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I am re-posting this thread because I have added what may be another clue (the letters E G A D N and H R L I on the canopy of the cart). Any more thoughts?...
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Please take a look at this photo: It was taken in Brough, Westmorland (? 1923). What is being celebrated? The flags must give a clue.

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